
QT5.15 (LTS)编译LibreCAD-2.2.0-rc1 出现以下错误

累计签到:1 天
连续签到:1 天
来源: 2020-9-17 13:34:59 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
最近我在QT5.15 (LTS)编译LibreCAD-2.2.0-rc1 出现以下错误:
1.    我是运行在 local PC的,总是提示android设备环境问题;
2.    提示freetype 未安装; 字体整个文件是更改为UTF-8的
1.    调试日志如下:
Project ERROR: You need to set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variableto point to your Android NDK.
Could not read qmake configuration fileD:/Qt/5.15.1/android/mkspecs/android-clang/qmake.conf.
Project ERROR: You need to set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variableto point to your Android NDK.
Could not read qmake configuration fileD:/Qt/5.15.1/android/mkspecs/android-clang/qmake.conf.
Project ERROR: You need to set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variableto point to your Android NDK.
Could not read qmake configuration fileD:/Qt/5.15.1/android/mkspecs/android-clang/qmake.conf.
Project ERROR: You need to set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variableto point to your Android NDK.
Could not read qmake configuration fileD:/Qt/5.15.1/android/mkspecs/android-clang/qmake.conf.
Project MESSAGE: We will be using CPP11 features
Project MESSAGE:
Project MESSAGE: FREETYPE_DIR is not set, ignoring ttf2lff
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser lib
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser
Project MESSAGE: freetype was not found in /Qt/freetype, please installfreetype or check settings in custom.pro!
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser
[Inexact] Project MESSAGE: freetype was not found in /Qt/freetype, pleaseinstall freetype or check settings in custom.pro!
Project MESSAGE: We will be using CPP11 features
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser lib
Project MESSAGE:
Project MESSAGE: FREETYPE_DIR is not set, ignoring ttf2lff
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser
Project MESSAGE: freetype was not found in /Qt/freetype, please installfreetype or check settings in custom.pro!
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser
[Inexact] Project MESSAGE: freetype was not found in /Qt/freetype, pleaseinstall freetype or check settings in custom.pro!
Project ERROR: You need to set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variableto point to your Android NDK.
Could not read qmake configuration fileD:/Qt/5.15.1/android/mkspecs/android-clang/qmake.conf.
Project ERROR: You need to set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variableto point to your Android NDK.
Could not read qmake configuration fileD:/Qt/5.15.1/android/mkspecs/android-clang/qmake.conf.
Project ERROR: You need to set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variableto point to your Android NDK.
Could not read qmake configuration fileD:/Qt/5.15.1/android/mkspecs/android-clang/qmake.conf.
Project MESSAGE: We will be using CPP11 features
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser lib
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser
Project MESSAGE:
Project MESSAGE: FREETYPE_DIR is not set, ignoring ttf2lff
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser
Project MESSAGE: Using bundled muparser
Project MESSAGE: freetype was not found in /Qt/freetype, please installfreetype or check settings in custom.pro!
[Inexact] Project MESSAGE: freetype was not found in /Qt/freetype, pleaseinstall freetype or check settings in custom.pro!
Project ERROR: You need to set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variableto point to your Android NDK.

Could not read qmake configuration fileD:/Qt/5.15.1/android/mkspecs/android-clang/qmake.conf.


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