
Qt 4.8.6 发布

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来源: 2014-4-25 17:21:00 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Qt 4.8.6 released today brings over 200 improvements and bug fixes over the previous release in the Qt 4.8 series. Qt 4.8.6 includes an important security update, better support for Mac OS X 10.9, updated MinGW toolchain and many error corrections. As a patch release it does not add new functionality and maintains full compatibility with the Qt 4.8.x releases.

Qt 4.8 is still actively used and we will provide patch releases to it also after Qt 4.8.6. Many users have already moved their active projects to Qt 5 and with Qt 5.3 available soon, we encourage also others to do so. Qt 4.8 is covered by Qt Enterprise support and you can take the steps towards migrating to Qt 5 at your own pace. With a high degree of source compatibility, we want to make switching to Qt 5 smooth and straightforward for all active projects.

Qt 4.8.6 provides overall over 200 improvements and bug fixes, for example:

  • Security Fix for XML Entity Expansion Denial of Service (the ‘Billion Laughs’ attack)
  • Better support for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
  • Many customer requested bug fixes, for example QTBUG-15116, QTBUG-21371, QTBUG-8990, QTBUG-28601, QTBUG-20946, QTBUG-30276, QTBUG-29572 and QTBUG-13237 (just to name a few)
  • MinGW binary packages are now built with MinGW-w64 based toolchain with gcc 4.8.2
  • Basque translation added and many other translations improved

A detailed list of the fixes and improvements in Qt 4.8.6 compared to Qt 4.8.5 can be found here.

Qt 4.8.6 is now tagged in the Qt Project repository. The source packages and stand-alone installers for Qt 4.8.6 are available for download from the Qt Project for open-source users, as well as via the Qt Account for Qt Enterprise licensees. For Qt Enterprise licensees there is also online installer update available for Qt 4.8.6 using the same Qt Enterprise online installer that provides Qt 5.


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累计签到:1570 天
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2014-4-25 20:27:33 显示全部楼层
xflcx1991 发表于 2014-4-25 20:05

貌似没有。不过Qt 5里面很重要一部分还是Qt 4的内容,只能说Qt 5比Qt 4多了一些内容,虽然它们框架不同,但是对于很多应用,Qt 5的新加内容根本用不到。

而且一个Qt 4项目向Qt 5移植,没有想象那么容易。
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累计签到:213 天
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2014-4-26 11:02:31 显示全部楼层
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