
Qt 5.2 Beta 发布(转载)

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来源: 2013-10-24 09:35:11 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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下载地址:http://download.qt-project.org/d ... qt/5.2/5.2.0-beta1/

上周我们把开发的代码并入stable分支,开始进入了Qt 5.2的发行阶段。作为发行阶段的第一步,Qt 5.2 Alpha现在已经准备妥当。开源版本可以在Qt Project下载区下载,商业版本则需要在您的用户门户进行下载。Alpha版本主要针对Qt的开发人员,因此只发行源代码。除非您乐意自己编译源码,否则还是等几周后的beta吧。

除了大量的bug修复,Qt 5.2还带来了大量的新功能。这里我们对几个最重要的改变做一下概述。


Qt 5.2是首个完全支持AndroidiOS应用开发的Qt发行版。为支持这两个系统,我们做了大量的工作。现在,Qt已经成为了开发移动应用的一个绝佳方案。

除了WebKit,其它的所有基本模块,在Android和iOS上都获得了支持。这其中包括Qt Core、Qt Network、Qt Gui、Qt Widgets、Qt Qml、Qt Quick和Qt Multimedia。另外Qt add-ons中的Qt Sensors、Qt Graphical Effects、Qt Script以及Qt SVG也已获得支持。在Android上,还有一个专有的Qt Android Extras模块。


伴随Qt 5.2我们还新增了一些新add-on模块:

最后三个add-on包含的都是各个平台的专有代码,用以补充Qt 5.1引入的Qt X11 Extras。

Qt base模块

Qt Core增加了一些新功能,其中最重要的是新的QTimezone和QCollator两个类。QTimezone与原有的QDatetime一同用于处理时区相关的操作。QCollator则允许开发者进行本地语言相关的字符串排序,这是Qt提供的又一个出色的功能。Qt Network对有关SSL的处理进行了一些改进。Qt Widgets也有一些小的改进,同时增加了一个新类:QKeySequenceEdit。辅助功能(Accessibility)方面,对Mac OS X的支持,加上对Android的基本支持,以及一组用于自定义组件辅助功能的API,现在我们的辅助功能支持又迈进了一大步。

Qt Qml和Qt Quick

近9个月来,我们对QML引擎底层做了大量的工作,这在Qt 5.2中已有了一定成效。Qt Qml现在使用我们自己内建的Javascript引擎,而不再依赖V8,因此QtJSBackend动态库已经被移除。

使用自己内建的引擎而非V8,有很多原因。其中最主要的好处是我们可以在iOS上支持Qt Quick 2。不仅如此,Qml栈的体积也可以削减约5MB,且减少一个以前需要部署的动态库。最后,这使得整个栈可维护性更强,从而令我们未来进步得更快。

尽管在某种程度上,新的引擎执行纯Javascript要略慢于V8,但它却使我们可以在QML以及Qt Quick的常见用例上有更多的优化机会。大量的优化工作仍在发行期中进行,我们希望它能够在5.2.0时获得和Qt Script相当的性能。而至于QML绑定,我们将会看到其对最常见用例的改进。

除此之外,Qt Qml现在支持了文件选择器,可以让您在根据不同的系统及其他因素自定义QML代码时更加轻松。

Qt Quick也有一些重大更新。首当其冲的是,模块中有了新的Scene Graph渲染器,新的渲染器在诸多用例中大幅减少了CPU以及GPU的工作量。新的AnimatorQML类型提供完全运行于渲染线程的动画,即使主线程执行大量长期运行的计算也不会使界面阻塞卡顿。

Qt Quick Controls新增了一些新的特性和控件,比如Switch及Busy Indicator。表格视图现在可以移动列并可以扩展选择。另外,部署工作也得到了极大的简化。

Qt Creator

最后,我们计划在Qt 5.2发行时附带一个新的Qt Creator——Qt Creator 3.0。新的Creator将带来增强的Android支持、iOS的基本支持、多屏扩展、lldb的基本支持以及对Creator插件API的清理。


如上所述,Qt 5.2将带来许多非常值得期待的新特性和新功能,尤其是对于移动设备操作系统的支持,我们更是迈进了一大步。紧随Alpha,我们正在努力以尽早放出Beta。Beta版本将带有可执行文件。在Beta之后,工作将主要集中于RC版本以及5.2.0最终版本。最终版本有望于11月底放出。

同时,在即将到来的柏林和旧金山的Qt开发人员大会上,也会有许多有关Qt 5.2及其新特性的话题。所以如果你想了解的更多,快来加入我们吧。



I’m happy to announce that Qt 5.2 Beta is now available. Lots of things have happened since Qt 5.1. Apart from new platforms, we have also added a significant amount of new functionality and done large improvements under the hood.

Qt Everywhere

With Qt 5.2 we are introducing the production-ready ports of Qt on Android and iOS. A lot of work has gone into these two platforms and these ports now extend Qt’s multi-platform promise to cover desktop, embedded and mobile platforms with just one framework, Qt.

With full support for Android, iOS and Blackberry 10, Qt 5.2 is a great solution for targeting the mobile markets with one Qt-based mobile application code. This is also a big plus for our existing Qt users. It makes it fast and easy to bring your existing desktop or embedded application to mobile, by simply recompiling it.

Enhanced Internals — More Power and Flexibility

Qt 5.2 introduces a new Scene Graph renderer. This new renderer improves the graphics performance of Qt Quick even further, freeing up more CPU time for the application and using the GPU in a much more efficient way.

The former JavaScript engine, V8, which was used internally by Qt Quick, has been replaced with a completely new, Qt-specific engine. This new engine is now designed from scratch for the use case of QML and Qt Quick. It internally operates directly with Qt data types, avoiding many costly conversions. It has both a JIT and an interpreter which greatly extends the range of platforms and operating systems it can support. The interpreter also allows us to use the engine on iOS and comply with iOS AppStore policies.

New Modules and Nice Goodies

Some of the main new features of Qt 5.2 include:

  • Qt Bluetooth: supported on Linux with Bluez 4.x and Blackberry
  • Qt NFC: supported on Blackberry
  • Qt Positioning: supported on all platforms using NMEA data, and using GeoClue on Linux
  • Qt Windows Extras: Integrate with native code on Windows
  • Qt Mac Extras: Integrate with native code on Mac OS X
  • Qt Android Extras: Integrate with native code on Android
  • Improved time zone and locale support with QTimeZone and QCollator
  • Enhancements to multiple Qt Widgets and a new one, the QKeySequenceEdit class
  • Animations for QML that can not be blocked by high loads on the main thread
  • Some new features and mobile specific controls for Qt Quick Controls
  • Accessibility is now fully supported on all desktop platforms and basic support on Android.

For a more detailed list of all new features in Qt 5.2 please have a look at the New Features page in the Qt Project wiki.

Qt Creator 3.0

Qt 5.2 will ship together with a new release of Qt Creator, Qt Creator 3.0. The beta for Qt Creator 3.0has also been released today and is part of the Qt 5.2 beta binary packages. The new Qt Creator will feature improved Android support, experimental iOS support, a cleanup in the Creator plugin APIs and improved support for lldb.

Qt 5.2 Beta now comes with binary installers for Windows, Mac and Linux. You can get Qt 5.2 Beta from the Qt Project download area for open source users, and in the Qt Enterprise Customer Portal for existing Qt Enterprise customers.


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