
Qt Creator 2.7.0 发布

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来源: 2013-3-25 15:57:27 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2013年3月21日,Qt官网正式发布Qt Creator 2.7.0版本,该版本修复了大量bug,并包含了多个新的功能和改进。
  • 对C++11的支持进一步提高;
  • 改进了QML对Qt Quick 2的支持,现在Qt Quick设计器已经可以支持Qt Quick 2了;
  • 增强对黑莓平台的支持,添加了新的配置页面;
  • 添加了对QBS构建工具的支持

Qt Creator 2.7.0 for Windows (51 MB)
Qt Creator 2.7.0 for Linux/X11 32-bit (60 MB)
Qt Creator 2.7.0 for Linux/X11 64-bit (60 MB)
Qt Creator 2.7.0 for Mac (Intel 32/64bit) (51 MB)

英语原文 (原文链接)
We are happy to announce the Qt Creator 2.7.0 release today, which comes with loads of new features, improvements and bug fixes.
C++ support in Qt Creator got even more improvements for C++11, like handling of alignof, alignas and noexcept, brace initializers, and more lambda fixes. Also, if Qt Creator cannot find out if your tool chain expects C++11 or C++98/03, it defaults to C++11 now, for a better out of the box experience. Also there are improvements on the refactoring acti** side, for example quick fixes for adding getters and setters for class members, and for adding the getters and setters that are specified in a Q_PROPERTY.
QML support got lots of fixes for Qt Quick 2 in the code editor, and there was a lot of work done to make Qt Quick Designer work with Qt Quick 2. Please note though that the Qt Creator standalone binary packages are based on Qt 4 and do not provide the necessary Qt Quick 2 based external worker tool (which of course needs to be built with Qt 5). For now you either need to compile Qt Creator with Qt 5 yourself, or at least compile the qml2puppet yourself with Qt 5 (qt-creator/share/qtcreator/qml/qmlpuppet/qml2puppet) and put that into qtbase/bin of your Qt 5 install (and make sure that your project uses a Kit that uses that Qt version). Or you wait for Qt 5.0.2 packages that will contain a Qt 5 based build of Qt Creator again.
On the BlackBerry support side, we got a new settings page, which allows to easily generate Kits (and the necessary Qt version and compiler information) from an NDK path, and helps users with registering and generating developer certificates and other files that are needed for uploading apps to their devices. Also the editor for bar descriptor files, which define application appearance and behavior, can now be switched between editing the pure XML and a graphical editor. There were many other improvements as well, for example regarding debugging on devices.
Experimental support for the (also experimental) QBS build tool was added to Qt Creator, and the binary packages now also contain it (in contrast to the prereleases), though it is disabled by default. To enable it, open “Help > About Plugins” (on Mac it’s in “Qt Creator > About Plugins”), tick the QbsProjectManager, and restart Qt Creator, no further downloads/installati** are necessary. The Qt Creator sources themselves also come with QBS project files, if you were wondering which project you can open with it now . If you want to build Qt Creator with QBS support yourself, you first need to pull in its sources: Qt Creator’s git repository now has QBS as a submodule, so “git submodule update –init && qmake -r && make” in the top-level directory of your git checkout should be all you need to do.
Of course this is only a very small part of the actual improvements that were done, but talking about all of them – Debugging, Android, VCS, FakeVim, just to mention a few – would be beyond the scope of the blog post. Even bookmarks got some love this time, thanks Vasiliy Sorokin . If you want to know more about changes in this version, you might want to have a look at our change log.
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Important note for developers for Madde: Madde support has been disabled by default in Qt Creator 2.7. Most functionality is available by default through the “generic Linux” support. If you still want to use the Madde specific plugin, you need to enable it: On first start of Qt Creator 2.7.0, run it with command line argument “-load Madde” (that is important, otherwise you will lose existing Madde settings like tool chains and Qt versi**), then open Help > About Plugins and enable the Madde plugin.
Important note for people that turned off the QmlJSTools plugin manually: Qt4ProjectManager depends on it in Qt Creator 2.7, so you need to turn it on again to be able to open qmake projects.


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